From 25 to 27 April 2012: 1st. international meeting on performing arts and technology, Liveness: prosthesis, gesture and metaphor Print
Written by Tania Altamirano   
Wednesday, 25 April 2012 13:56

All those interested can follow the lectures and presentations live from the event's Web site (

LivenessPrótesis, gesto y metáfora  son los ejes temáticos que durante tres días abordará el planteamiento teórico del 1er. encuentro internacional de artes performáticas y tecnología Liveness que se llevará a cabo en el Centro Nacional de las Artes de  México y que incluirá en su programa el desarrollo de páneles de discusión, seminarios–talleres y presentaciones en vivo.

Prosthetics, gesture and metaphor are the themes that for three days will address the theoretical approach of the 1st. international meeting on performing arts and technology, Liveness, that will be held at the National Center for the Arts of Mexico and that will include in its agenda the development of panel discussions, seminars- workshops and live performances.

The meeting will involve the participation of the following guest artists: Ivani Santana (Brazil), Mark Coniglio (USA), Daito Manabe (Japan), Konic Thtr. (Spain), Marco Donnarumma (Italy), Oscar Abril Ascaso (Spain) and Martin Bakero (Chile-France), accompanied by Mexican artists Esthel Vogrig, Ricardo Cortez and Vivian Cruz.

This initiative aims to open up common spaces for reflection, dissemination and analysis around the theater, dance and performance that employ digital technology in closerelation to the body and seeks to exchange experiences and knowledge with the international community.

For more information about the program, visit: