October 29 and 30 | CUDI Fall Meeting 2012 Print
Written by Tania Altamirano   
Tuesday, 16 October 2012 13:49

CUDI 2012The University Corporation for the Development of Internet and the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, host of the event, invite to the CUDI Fall Meeting 2012, to be held in the capital of the state of Chihuahua, on October 29 and 30, where besides of strengthening the relations between institutions, will be encouraged the opportunities to interact and explore for collaboration between CUDI community.

As in previous years, the format of this meeting will focus on the authorities of the institutions member of the corporation, in order to inform them about how the CUDI network is impacting teaching and research.

To know about the program access here: http://www.cudi.edu.mx/otono_2012/programa.php.