Connect with innovation as an engine of development Print
Written by Ixchel Pérez   

RENATA will transmit a speech tomorrow  which is very interesting for the drivers of technology in Latin America, because talks about what Colombia is doing in terms of placing ICT in the country's development plans.

"Prosperity for All" is the name of the National Development Plan 2010-2014 for Colombia, whose bases are identified pillars of sustainable growth and which is based the government of Juan Manuel Santos. Innovation and Information Technology (ICT) are two elements that can become differentiators when it comes to achieving growth and competitiveness in the South American country.

With the goal of exposing how ICT and innovation are important to the National Plan and, in turn, guide practitioners in System Engineering and related disciplines about their role in country strategies, tomorrow will be out talk "Innovation as an engine as a locomotive for the development and strengthening of ICT - Building the National Development Plan 2010 - 2014, Prosperity for all."

The talk is organized as part of the "Tertulia de los Jueves" (circle from Thursday), a coordinated effort by the Colombian Association of Systems Engineers (ACIS) and transmitted every week for RENATA.

The exposure of the subject will be in charge of Mr. Germain Cortes Lasso Professional Systems Engineering with expertise in projects implementation of information technology to enable business solutions.

The specialist has over 12 years in the industry and has participated in a variety of technology projects for different companies, both nationally and internationally.


Data transmission:
Thursday January 20, 2011 from 18:30 pm (Colombia)

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