The advantages of using a commercial service "cloud" Print
Written by Ixchel Pérez   
"Deploying their own cloud or commercial use? That's one of the big questions that arise in the present research and development organizations. The International Conference "Emerging Standards for the Educational Cloud and Importance to IPv6 will give a light on this issue and demonstrate how the second option is the best, on 16 February in Utrecht.

Today, many R & E organizations are wrestling with issue of clouds in terms of adoption and deployment of clouds and struggling with the dilemma of whether it is better to create their own infrastructure or use a commercial service. Entities recognized as the cloud can be helpful for the implementation of educational applications and the development of research, but do not know which way to go.

The specialist Bill St. Arnaud, Green Internet consultant, will address this and other prospects in the international conference "Emerging Standards for Educational Cloud and importance of IPv6."

Arnaud, the R & E institutions can play a more effective role in the development of clouds using commercial tools, rather than spend considerable resources on their own.

The expert is convinced that going commercial is the best way for several reasons. First, the tag market is intensely competitive and innovative economies of scale can make a big difference in terms of accessibility and reliability.

Second, the tag will enable more rapid adoption of IPv6 in universities and educational institutions. To date, R & E institutions are not exactly at the forefront of this issue, but to move the e-mail, web services and applications providers clouds that support IPv6 can help them this way is much easier.

Another of the many reasons to defend the position is that the commercials clouds enable greening of the campus more, reducing the carbon footprint as much as possible to download the HPC and campuscomputing. The campus computing accounts for 15% and 40% of the carbon footprint of a typical university.


Information about the conference:
International Conference Emerging Standards for the Educational Cloud
February 16, 2011
Value: $ 150
Location: Geertekerk, Geert Kerkhof 23, 3511 XC Utrecht
email: Bill.St.Arnaud @
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twitter: BillStArnaud