Call for papers on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges Print
Written by Ixchel PĂ©rez   
Next week will close the call for papers for the 4th Workshop on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science, which will be held in June in Japan.

Computer scientists and science from around the world will gather in June in the city of Tsukuba, Japan to discuss the future direction of bioinformatics algorithms, applications and data management. On this issue is expected to receive papers for research until January 31.

Bioinformatics provides the basis for fast and reliable data analysis, providing tools that have made rapid progress in genomics applications, proteomics, epidemiology and clinics, among others. But today, most of the standard tools offered on the web and are no longer sufficient for complex analysis or simulations in emerging research fields such as biological systems, image analysis, biomedical applications and data management.

Therefore, this workshop will examine the latest trends in the development of Grid-based services such as science today require a coordinated use of bioinformatics tools, biological data banks and clinical and laboratory data, integrating them fully, preserving the privacy and controlling the trade.

During the workshop "The Ascent of Computational Excellence in the Land of the Rising Sun", to be held from 1 to 3 June, will discuss questions like Grid and Web services will be able to support these new scientific requirements, with more complex applications and growing volumes of data management.

The use of parallel architectures and dedicated hardware to implement biomedical bioinformatics algorithms will be another focus of the discussions.


The workshop organizers are looking for original research, innovative solutions to present parallel architectures, distributed and Grid algorithms applied to bioinformatics and scientific.

Some of the topics in which they are specifically interested in are: sequence and structure bioinformatics biological systems, biomedical imaging analysis, biomedical simulation, management, integration and data visualization, distributed applications in biomedical, high-performance computing and computer-to-peer -peer.

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