Opportunity to Participate in Conference on Libraries and Digital Repositories Print
Written by Ixchel Pérez   

From 9 to May 11 will be held the First Conference on Libraries and Digital Repositories, BIREDIAL, in Bogotá, Colombia. Papers from Latin American academic and research community are welcome.


Knowledge management, open access and visibility in Latin America will be the themes of the First Conference on Libraries and Digital Repositories (BIREDIAL), which will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, in May. The event aims to be a meeting between researchers, digital content of educational institutions, government and business, among others.

The event is organized by the Colombian Digital Library, the National Advanced Technology Academic Colombia (RENATA) and the Latin American Community Libraries and Digital Repositories (COLABORA).

In BIREDIAL will present the latest scientific and technological libraries and digital repositories, as well as best practices and experiences of policy implementation and management of digital content in the region.

Researchers and academics interested in participating in an active way in the event, beyond the assistance it can send the papers until 28 February. Contributions may be poster and demos, articles or tutorials.

The themes are suggested to provide open access, intellectual property, institutional repositories and networks of repositories, best practices, metadata, protocols and standards, policies, initiatives and national and regional perspectives, measuring impact, quality, innovation, productivity and competitiveness; academic networks, scientific networks and e-sciences, and integration universities, businesses and state.

All available information for submitting proposals is www.biredial.org