6th. LACLO Conference Print
Written by Tania Altamirano   
Wednesday, 09 March 2011 00:00
The event, that will take place from 11 to 14 October 2011 at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, will aim to contribute to the creation of spaces that encourage a better communication between the educational and technological fields. Those who want to contribute with the call for papers may do so in the form of full and short articles, tutorials, workshops, and collaborations for the Course of Learning Objects. The deadline for submission of material is May 30, 2011.

LACLO2011From 11 to 14 October 2011, will be carry out a new edition of the Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technologies for Education (LACLO 2011), organized by the LACLO Community and the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay, which also will the host the meeting activities.

The Conference will aim to contribute to the creation of spaces that encourage a better communication between the educational and technological fields and will focus on two main aspects: first, the recovery of educational research experiences that allow a better understanding of usage and impact of technology in local educational practice, the second to know the real problems of education in the region to propose proper and effective technological solutions.

Since 2006, when the first LACLO Conference was held, the topics have been expand beyond the technology of learning objects, covering the entire spectrum of information and communication technologies to support and improve teaching and learning.

LACLO understands the Latin-American need to share, unite efforts and grow together in all aspects, but especially to raise the educational. Hence the need to keep open a dialog in our context that allows to coordinate the technological development that characterizes the contemporary world with the richness of our explorations and insights around technologies for education, from the construction of a common, wide and multifaceted perspective that enhance the effective use of ICT for education in the region.

Important Dates
- Submission of papers: May 30, 2011
- Workshop Proposals: May 30, 2011
- Tutorial Proposals: May 30, 2011
- Learning Objects for the contest: July 4, 2011
- Notification to authors: July 4, 2011
- Notification of workshops and tutorials: July 4, 2011
- Finalists Notification: August 1, 2011
- Date of submission of the final version: August 1, 2011
- Early Registration (registration authors): September 5, 2011
- Conference: 11 to 14 October 2011

The types of jobs or collaborations requested for the conference include full and short articles, tutorials, workshops, and collaborations for Learning Objects Course on issues such as:

- Educational Research and Technology
- Education-Problems and Technology Development
- Learning Objects and Open Educational Resources
- Learning Object Repositories
- Patterns of Teaching and Learning Technology Support
- Web 2.0 in Education
- M-learning (Mobile and Ubiquitous Education)
- T-learning (Educational Television)
- Games and Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Personalized Learning
- Adaptability and Accessibility

For more information, visit: www.laclo.org/laclo2011