RNP and the Ministry of Culture promote the discussion about digital culture among the artistic community Print
Friday, 30 December 2011 16:52
Net Art Challenges - The First Round in Culture, Art, Technoscience and Innovation, was held at the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, preceded the DigitalCulture.Br Festival. In 2003, facing the growing relationship between artistic expression and digital technologies, the Brazilian Minister of Culture of the period, Gilberto Gil, put on the agenda the discussion on the redefinition of cultural policies. Eight years have passed and the discussions have been shaped into a form that had taken the current Ministry to institutionalize the way in which treats the convergence between these two languages.

This convergence was the subject of the "Challenges of the Net Art - First Round in Culture, Art, Technoscience and Innovation" event, which in December 1st preceded the third DigitalCulture.Br Festival, held at the Museum of Modern Art ( MAM) of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to discussing the role of culture and arts in the innovation process, the artistic community updated their knowledge on the government's actions in the context of digital culture and provided information for the formulation of public policies in this area.

The Laboratory Network for Experimentation in Art, Culture and Technology, and the Digital Cinema Network projects were introduced to the audience. Both initiatives are the result of the cooperation between the Ministry of Culture (MinC) and RNP. The first is being articulated in collaboration with Funarte and the second with Brazilian universities and the Brazilian Cinematheque.

According to the director of the Center for Integrated Programmes of Funarte, Ana Cláudia Souza, the laboratories are to meet the institution's efforts to encourage the production of work involving art, technology and innovation. Among the support initiatives that in this particular field are carried by Funarte, Ana emphasized the scholarships calls that are open to promote the production of artistic content for digital media, such as the Aesthetics Interactions prize and the Grant for Cultural Production for Internet.

The head of the Audiovisual Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, Ana Paula Santana, reinforced the need of supporting RNP in the creation of an infrastructure for the digitization and very high-speed transmission of audiovisual content that is produced by the Brazilian Cinematheque and by the universities. "RNP is an unconditionall partner, even if they asked for divorce, they would not be separated from the ministry," she said.

The RNP’s Director of Services and Solutions, José Luis Ribeiro, introduced the Ipê network – the advanced network that is operated by RNP-, its history and the possibilities of use of the network infrastructure in different knowledge areas such as telehealth and telemedicine, distance education, climate and biodiversity. "In 2008 and 2009, we approached the culture and now we do speak in a common language, we know that we have understand their needs in order to meet their demands," he said, referring to the pilot project by which the institutions of the Ministry of Culture were connected to the Ipê network and the the possibilities of using the network for cultural purposes started to be analyzed.

The secretary of Cultural Policies of the Ministry of Culture, Sérgio Mamberti, recalled the history of the institutionalization of digital culture within his portfolio, which culminated in the creation of the Coordination of Digital Culture, currently led by José Murilo Junior. According to Américo Cordula, Director of Studies and Monitoring of Cultural Policies, this is reflected in the National Culture Plan, in which seven of the 53 goals are related to digital culture.

Possibilities of an Art Network

Researchers and artists that are already using the digital platform for artistic expression, participated in the meeting showing their work. Jarbas Jacome, from the Federal University of Recôncavo de Bahia (UFRB), surprised the audience with a system by which images are generated by the computer from audio and visual events captured by the camera and microphone.

In the MAM of the public attended FRÁGIL a telematic art show that was held simultaneously between the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Fortaleza, with on-line transmission by Internet. The project uses ARTHRON, a computational tool that was developed by the Laboratory for Digital Video Applications (Lavid / UFPB), coordinated by the researchers Guido Lemos and Tatiana Aires Tavares. Guido Lemos presented the tool in one of the work tables.

For more information, please visit: http://culturadigital.br/arteemrede/.html