The International Conference on Science, Arts and Culture, Grid Computing: a new tool for Science and Innovation will take from august 25 to 29 in Veli Lošinj, Croatia Print
Written by Carlos Gonzalez   
The conference will be the ninth of the series organized in Lošinj since 2001 on interdisciplinary themes. Contributions are given by leading specialists in their respective fields but are addressed to a broader audience in such a way to solicit cultural exchanges.  


Organized by ECSAC (European Centre for Science Arts and Culture) and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - National Institute of Nuclear Research) in collaboration with Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP ), Area Science Park , the Consortium for Physics of Trieste University , the Trieste International Foundation for the Progress and Freedom of Science, the Italian Institute of Culture of Zagreb , Ruðer Boškovic Institute , SISSA/ISAS , UNIADRION , University of Trieste and University of Zagreb , the interest areas of this event are the recent advances in Grid Computing in Science (High-Energy Physics, Biomedical applications, Nuclear Fusion, Meteorology and Climatology, etc) and new applications of Grid Computing.

The program
The conference will reunited invited talks; about 25 hours of review talks focusing on the use of Grid Computing in diverse areas of Science and Technology. Beside, as a part of the programme, a hands-on tutorial with real examples of application will be provided large high-performance computing infrastructures for Science and Innovation. This aims at providing a practical introduction to Grid technologies to scientists and engineers with no or little experience in this field. The hands-on programme will be provided by the CERN Grid Support team in close collaboration with the Demokritos Lab (SISSA Trieste).

The tip
Further information about the Conference Programme and the Registration  (open) are available.