Environment 2.0 for access to advanced computing resources? Print
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 00:00
A great challenge falls upon those who are at the forefront of Grid technology as an alternative to new ways of doing science: make it easier to use. How to make way for researchers when they become users of the Grid platform, with simple, fast and transparent steps? Could this opportunity increase its use? are some of the questions that have been around in recent years as a key challenge to the e-infrastructure.


(By: Ysabel BriseƱo, GISELA) Grid technology has emerged as an option for those research areas that require high storage and computing capacity. So far, the most traditional areas that have used this platform are associated with astrophysics and bioinformatics, and more recently, some fields of medicine and geophysics, due the amount of data produced and the potential that computation offers for simulation.

Read more at: http://www.cecalc.ula.ve/gisela/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/GISELA_Special_Edition_grid20.pdf